Thailand prepares to lead with Pattaya as a “sandbox” area, proposing a social protection policy for children at the “5C4F” level

     The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security joins hands with Pattaya City to lead the way as a “sandbox” area in proposing social protection policies for children at the "5C4F" level. In considering proposals for social protection policies for children at the local level, the Deputy Mayor of Pattaya City and representatives from related networks participated in a meeting to discuss the "Child-friendly City" model within the framework of the 5C4F concept. This aims to drive Pattaya to become a leading child-friendly city in a sandbox area, with a focus on being creative, comfortable, connected, child-centered, community-based, fun for all, friendly, and family-focused. The initiative aims to link with existing mechanisms in the area and promote collaboration with networks in all sectors of Chonburi province, an area with complex and major social issues. While social welfare is strong and integrated, proposals for social protection policies for children aim to have the greatest benefit for children as a top priority, with plans to expand to other areas.

     Examples of activities for children aged 0-6 years include gift boxes from the Early Childhood Development Center and support for newborns. For children aged 7-18 years, activities include the "VNjoin" application, "Pun Fun Fair," and the Family Plus Package.

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