Cultural capital fair revitalizes communities with research on development rooted in local consciousness, and stimulates the community economy

Cultural capital fair revitalizes communities with research on development rooted in local consciousness, and stimulates the community economy

     “Universities and Cultural Capital for Spatial Development” is one of the projects of the Regional Capital Management and Development Authority (SADC) that aims to create changes through allocation of research funding and innovation within the research framework.

     PMU A – in collaboration with the 33 Provincial Development Universities and 41 institutes supported by Chiang Mai University, along with local community partners, artists, and cultural entrepreneurs – continues to organize the “Urban Revival Cultural Capital Fair” in four regions, pushing cultural capital and local wisdom into “soft power” rooted in local consciousness and to stimulate the community economy, promoting artists and cultural entrepreneurs.

     Regarding "Universities and Cultural Capital for Spatial Development," funding for 48 projects across 33 provinces has been allocated. The results are obviously tangible in socio-economic strength. Because of the impact of COVID-19, many unemployed people have returned home. Meanwhile, jobs have been created for seniors, reducing the gap between the ages. In addition, the younger generation has recognized the value of cultural capital. As a result, youth have career opportunities and can generate income, raise the revenue of cultural entrepreneurs, stimulate the local economy, contribute to the distribution of income to secondary cities and communities, and have cultural exchange areas.

     With the results of the research project, PMU A aims to raise public awareness of cultural funding as part of the area's development, leading to the strength of the community in a variety of dimensions.  

     The aim of city revival is to support cultural capital either from ancestral heritage or as a long-running lifestyle that existed in everyone. Every family can create local consciousness, create jobs, and make money from existing capital bases without buying, finding, or importing from other sources, whether it is wisdom, arts, crafts, traditions, rituals, eating, living, playing, performing, etc. The university brings knowledge to act as a "partner" of cultural capital in all areas.

     Developing a country that balances the sustainability of the community so that the community can be self-reliant and immune from the advancement of capital outside the area is an essential aspect. In addition to obtaining economic results, it also brings happiness and pride in the cultural foundation, local conservation, and environmental awareness of the community, creating added value to the capital base, as well as supporting the unique skills of local artisans and connecting with many cultural entrepreneurs in the country.


Source: Office of the National Council for Higher Education Policy, Science, Research and Innovation (NSTDA)
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