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Useful Information

“Smiles and friendship,” two reasons foreigners like Thailand
The “Land of Smiles” is a slogan that has existed for more than 60 years, created the era when Thailand had just established the Tourism Authority of Thailand, or TAT.
Development of medicines and health products towards the goal of becoming Thailand Medical Hub
Another strategy driving Thailand towards its goal of becoming the Medical Hub.
Development of health promotion services to support Thailand Medical Hub.
The development of health promotion services to push Thailand towards becoming Thailand Medical Hub.
Green Medicine to elevate Thailand as the International Medical Hub.
For Green Medicine, which is considered as one of the factors elevating Thailand as the International Medical Hub.
Development of information and data system to support Thailand Medical Hub
The strategy to develop Thailand into Thailand Medical Hub (Medical Hub Policy) (2017-2026) in Strategy 1 is to increase competitiveness in health service provision through the improvement of infrastructure.
Determination of other services in spa business to support Thailand Medical Hub
According to the Ministerial Regulation on the Determination of Other Services in Spa Business
Determination of fees for the operation of a health establishment
The Minister of Public Health has issued a ministerial regulation on fees and payment of fees for the operation of a health establishment B.E. 2560 (2017)
Statistics on tourists visiting Thailand
Tourists from ASEAN countries are the leading groups of tourists visiting Thailand
Calendar of travel events for the first three months of 2023
Thailand is widely known as a country with long traditions and a diversity of races, religions, and cultures. Throughout the year, there are many tourist activities coming out, including festivals and traditional events.
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